Go Anyway!
Perhaps you have some special needs or mobility issues that are going to make travel a little more complicated. Endeavor to go anyway and to not let a few challenges keep you from what you want to do. See the world you want to see! Make those travel memories with your family!
Go Get Help!
Ask your travel agents (us!!) what your options are. We can help you with travel tips; find you accessible accommodations; help direct you to the best destinations to work with you; help you rent the tools and devices you will need with you to travel; and find you many other valuable resources. We want to help make travelling not only a possibility for you but a pleasant and positive experience as well!
Go to Guest Services or Your Concierge!
Depending on your destination, help is available onsite. We will guide and direct you how to best navigate the services available to you while on vacation based on your destination and special needs .
Go Get What You Need!
If you need a Electronic Conveyance Vehicle (ECV) better known as a “scooter”, get one! Don’t let pride or the sense that you are a burden to your travel companions keep you from getting the assistance you need. During a recent trip to Disney, we both had some health and mobility issues that made renting a scooter a necessity. We learned much from that experience!